Monday, May 6, 2013

Gordon Wilson to BC'ers: Please come home!

Yesterday, in an exclusive with Global BC News, Gordon Wilson, the former leader of the BC Liberal Party & the Progressive Democratic Alliance and a former BC NDP Finance Minister in the 90's under Glen Clark's NDP Cabinet to which Adrian Dix served as Chief of Staff until his resignation called on British Columbians to "come home" and unite behind the BC Liberals

Read more here

Meanwhile - Mr. Wilson appeals to British Columbians in a YouTube video below:

I think the average British Columbia will find Mr. Wilson's appeal compelling, given he has worked with BC Liberals and BC NDP and he would know which of the current two BC Political Party Leaders (BC NDP/BC Liberals) would make the best Premier

Kudos to the BC Liberals for 'welcoming home with open arms' a former BC Liberal who left the Party for the NDP...

It'll be interesting to see if Mr. Wilson's appeal reasonates with the average British Columbian. With 8 days to go before the general election, this week will be a 'wild ride'

-- SBF

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