Tuesday, May 7, 2013

WL Council Highlights - May 7th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook with Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

P. Higgins - Acting CAO
C. Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
T. Chung - Manager of IT
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
A. Burrill - Manager of Social Development
A. Madrigga - Manager of Economic Development
G. Martin - Senior Bylaw Officer

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Agenda adopted and Minutes of April 23rd WL Council meeting adopted


1) Jay Goddard, Jessica Knodel & Rosanna McGregor from the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area appeared before Council to give an update on its current activities

2) Sharon Taylor from Welcoming Communities BC appeared before Council to give a presentation on the introduction of "Welcoming Communities BC" Project


1) Council received for information the cheque runs for April 25th and May 2nd

2) Council received for information Mayor Cook's report on her bi-weekly activities

3) Council received for information a report from the City's Manager of Human Resources regarding the 2012-16 Collective Agreement with the IUOE

4) Council received for information a report from the City's Manager of Economic Development regarding next communication steps for the Place Brand exercise - Councillor Rathor was opposed

5) Council agreed to recommend approval to the changes of Liquor Primary License #301740 as contained in the Applications from Chances Signal Point Gaming located at 1640 South Broadway Avenue

6) Council gave 1st/2nd reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2184, 2013 (Faren Rouse - 279 3rd Avenue North)

7) Council directed Staff to set dates for two public consultation meetings for the keeping of bees and hens in backyards of properties inside the City of Williams Lake and Bylaws #2174, 2175, 2182, and 2183 were given 1st Reading - Councillor Rathor opposed to Bylaws pertaining to keeping of bees in backyards

8) Council awarded the South Lakeside Drive Widening tender to Peterson Contracting Ltd. for a total amount of $1,808,243.29, excluding GST, and the engineering construction services contract to TRUE Consulting Group for a total of $110,000, excluding GST

9) Council gave approval for the KidSport Classic Half Marathon, 21 km Relay and 10 km Recreational Walk/Run on Sunday, June 23, 2013

10) Council received a report from the City's Manager of Social Development regarding an update on the St. Joseph's Mission commemoration and reconciliation project

11) Council proclaimed September 30th, 2013 as "Orange Shirt Day" in the City of Williams Lake

12) Council adopted Bylaw #2177 (2013-17 5 yr Financial Plan/2013 Budget) and gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to 2013 Tax Rates Bylaw #2178

13) Council adopted 5 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Williams Lake Security Alarm Systems Amendment Bylaw No. 2171 be introduced and read three times
b) Williams Lake Graffiti Amendment Bylaw No. 2179 be introduced and read three times

c) Council approve the installation of four (4) "No Overnight Parking" restricted parking signs on Borland Street between First Avenue and Mackenzie Avenue and Staff be directed to issue notices to affected residents and property owners in the surrounding area on the change in parking restrictions.

d) Williams Lake Noise Control Amendment Bylaw No. 2180 be introduced and read three times
e) Williams Lake Nuisance Abatement Amendment Bylaw No. 2181 be introduced and read three times

14) Council gave approval to close Borland Street between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue from 5:00 PM on Saturday, June 8, 2013 to 7:00 AM on Sunday, June 9, 2013 for the annual Relay for Life event

15) Council agreed to support the installation of RID (Report Impaired Drivers) 911 signs throughout the City limits, including the Scout Island boat launch, and authorize the provision of sign posts and labour for installation of the signs at a cost of approximately $1,000 out of the sign maintenance account.

16) Council received for information an email from the Cariboo RD's Manager of Planning Services regarding updates to the CRD's Williams Lake Fringe Area OCP

17) Council proclaimed May 8th as "World Red Cross Day" in the City of Williams Lake

18) Council received the May 7th "Council Information Package" as follows:

• April 2013 - BC Community Forest Association April 2013 Newsletter;
• April 22, 2013 - School District No. 27 Media Release(s) re Administrative Appointments for 2013-2014;
• April 22, 2013 - NDIT Spring 2013 Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Region Quarterly Report
• April 22, 2013 - BC Children's Hospital 'Speaking of Children' Spring 2013;
• April 26, 2013 - NDIT 2012 Annual Report
• May 1, 2013 - UBCM 'The Compass: Election Outreach; UBCM Executive Meeting'

Council adjourned the meeting at 7:48pm and then convened a In-Camera meeting under Section 90(1)(c - labour or employee relations) of the Community Charter

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