Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lawsuits flying about in Lillioet

Yesterday - the Lilliooet News reported that Lilliooet's Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Grant Loyer filed a defamation lawsuit against Lilliooet residents Kathleen and Karl Kempfle & former Lilliooet Mayor Ted Anchor alleging they defamed him in emails and on Facebook. Read more here

Meanwhile - Vancouver Sun columnist Daphne Bramham also looks at this topic and writes on the messy thing that is called 'democracy' in Lilliooet - read more here

In this term - Lilliooet residents' have seen a Mayor and a Councillor resign not even 60 days in their 2011-14 term and now lawsuits and accusations are flying back and forth.  When history looks back - it will note that this term of Lilliooet Council (2011-14) was the most challenging and brought forth ridicule upon Lilliooet when it was not needed or warranted

-- SBF

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