Thursday, May 2, 2013

All Candidates Forum at the TDC

At last night's All Candidates Forum at the Tourism Discovery Centre (TDC) in Williams Lake - just a small handful of people showed up to hear from candidates from Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin

Interesting point going into the forum - Gary Young (Ind, Cariboo-Chilcotin) had a table outside the TDC and did not speak inside to the people present

Meanwhile - instead candidates Coralee Oakes (BC Liberal, Cariboo-North), Bob Simpson (Ind. Cariboo-North), Duncan Barnett (BC NDP, Cariboo-North), Donna Barnett (BC Liberal - Cariboo-Chilcotin) and Charlie Wyse (BC NDP - Cariboo-Chilcotin) spoke as to why they should elected in their respective ridings

While Bob Simpson is a good speaker.... I thought that both Coralee Oakes/Donna Barnett gave spirited speeches as to why they both should be elected in Cariboo-North/Cariboo-Chilcotin respectively

BC Liberal Party Leader Christy Clark will be holding a 'campaign rally' later today at the TDC.  I'm looking forward to hearing what Ms. Clark has to say to voters in Cariboo-Chilcotin and Cariboo-North

The last forum is for Cariboo-North candidates at the Miocene Community Hall on Friday....  then it's up to the campaign teams to get their candidate elected on May 14th

-- SBF

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