Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mayor Cook's Weekly Column - Apr 29th

Courtesy of City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook:

Now that the budget has been given first three readings, it’s a good time to point out that our business class taxes are lower than most other northern communities, and some other resource-based communities in the province. Our 2012 business rate of $11.88 per $1,000 of assessment is very close to the provincial average of $11.38/$1,000, and is lower than many northern and resource-based communities, whose rates vary between $12 and $25 per $1,000. Council looks forward to working with our Chamber of Commerce to find even more ways to be business-friendly.

I had a very productive two days in Prince George recently at the BC Mayors Caucus spring meeting. We dealt with a number of issues and endorsed a number of statements. Among them are resolutions supporting efforts to secure a long-term, predictable infrastructure funding source for local governments, supporting the creation of a provincial ministry dedicated to local government, and requesting that the province extend the Small Communities Grant Program. Having 70 mayors together is a powerful force for positive change for local governments.

I was one of several speakers at a news conference announcing the series of events for the St. Joseph’s Mission Commemoration Project. It was a powerful experience listening to Chief Fred Robbins and Phyllis Webstad, both survivors of St. Joseph’s. Chief Fred’s vision and leadership has taken this unique event from an idea to a reality, and I thank him and the planning committee of community leaders. I see this project as a beginning. We will be acknowledging the school’s history, and discussing healing and reconciliation, but we will also be looking to the future, in how we as a community move forward together. Among other events, there will be a Commemoration Conference and Town Hall on Reconciliation May 16-17 at the TRU gym, and monument unveiling ceremonies at the former school site May 16 and at Boitanio Park May 17.

I am looking forward more productive sessions with elected official at the North Central Local Government Association convention in Quesnel this week (May 1-3). This year’s theme is "Driving the Economy", something that Council is focusing on here in Williams Lake.

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