Friday, May 31, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of June 3 - 7

A number of local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting this upcoming week as follows:

Wells - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:00pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue)

Quesnel - Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, June 3rd at 7:00pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  Only item on the Agenda is presentations in regards to Northern Gateway which also includes a presentation from former Prince George Mayor Colin Kinsley.  View the full Agenda here.  The Province announced earlier today that it will not support Northern Gateway, in its' current form.  With a protest slated to occur Monday prior to this meeting, I imagine that Quesnel residents' will be pleased with the Province's stance on the Northern Gateway pipeline

Williams Lake - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 4th at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Items on the Agenda include receipt of the 2012 SOFI Report (Statement of Financial Information - will review this item in detail Saturday), Northern Development Facade investment program, request to support Walt Cobb to Barkerville Heritage Trust Board for additional 3 years and the WL Seniors Village writes to Council re: Accessibility concerns for Rink 1 at CMRC.  View the full Agenda here  There is also a Public Hearing on Bylaw #2184 (Daycare at 279 3rd Avenue North) at 7:00pm the same night

Don't forget the following night (Wed. June 5th at 6:00pm) at WL Council Chambers in regards to Place Branding.  Show up and express your opinion on it!

Cariboo Regional District - Multiple meetings as follows (Meetings to occur at Lac La Hache Community Hall - 3997 Highway 97 South):

Committee of the Whole - Thursday, June 6th at 11:00am.  Items on Agenda include Volunteer Appreciation Program, CAO Evaluation Policy, New Cariboo RD Building Bylaw, 'Open Meetings' Best Practice, and Town Hall Meeting Format.  View full Agenda here

Community BBQ to follow this meeting

CC Regional Hospital District - Friday, June 7th at 9:30am.  Items on Agenda include CMH Concept Plan Bylaw, and a letter from Interior Health re: Health Connections Bus/capital funding program.  View full Agenda here

Cariboo RD Board - Friday, June 7th at 9:45am - Items on Agenda include two delegations (CCBAC for support of Rural BC project and Rodger Stewart on update of mid-term timber supply, update to Rural Zoning Bylaws to include things like keeping of hens and bees on property, approval for Alex Fraser Park for lighting upgrades, Area 'D' Director Bischoff seeks permission for funds to attend EcDev conference in Vancouver at end of June, approval for South Cariboo SAR Function, approval to go to referendum in fall for changes to South Cariboo Recreation Function.  View the full Agenda here

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