Saturday, June 1, 2013

2012 SOFI Report - City of WL Council

As is required by the Financial Information Act - every local government in British Columbia is required to post by the end of each June a statement that lists remuneration and expenses for each member of a local government for the previous fiscal year.  Read the full City Staff report here

For the fiscal year ending December 31st, 2012 - Williams Lake City Council had the following pay and expenses:

Mayor Cook
Councillor Bonnell
Councillor Bourdon
Councillor Hughes
Councillor Rathor
Councillor Walters
Councillor Zacharias

Therefore - you have a grand total of pay for elected officials in 2012 of $135,127.92 with expenses in the same year totalling $38,609.65

For a historical perspective for Councillors Zacharias, Walters, Rathor, Bourdon and Mayor Cook going back to their 1st full year in 2009 (1st year SOFI Information is available for Cook, Bourdon, Walters, and Zacharias as Rathor was first elected in fall of 1993)

In 2009:

Mayor Cook
Councillor Bourdon
Councillor Rathor
Councillor Walters
Councillor Zacharias

In 2010:

Mayor Cook
Councillor Bourdon
Councillor Rathor
Councillor Walters
Councillor Zacharias

In 2011:

Mayor Cook
Councillor Bourdon
Councillor Rathor
Councillor Walters
Councillor Zacharias

On Sunday - I will review expenses and pay for top 3 Williams Lake City Staff and what the City paid out to City employees making less than $75,000

FYI - Watch for Quesnel, 100 Mile, Wells Councils and the CRD Board to bring forward their SOFI Reports by the end of this month

--- SBF

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