Thursday, June 13, 2013

2014 Grant for Assistance Applications - City of WL/Cariboo RD

The City of Williams Lake has posted the Grant for Assistance application form for 2014 on their website which you can get by clicking here.  See information below for precise details around the Grant for Assistance Program

Any questions on the Grant for Assistance program for 2014 - contact Pat Higgins (City of WL Director of Finance) at 250-392-2311 or via email at or through the Cariboo Regional District - Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services at 250-392-3351 or via email at

Purpose of Grant in Aide:

On an annual basis, the City of Williams Lake (City) and Electoral Areas D, E and F of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) jointly provide Grants For Assistance to local non‐profit organizations for projects, activities and events that strengthen and enhance the well being of the community, promote volunteerism and support the goals and priorities of the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District.

The deadline to apply is Monday, September 30th, 2013 at 4:30pm.  NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED

Consideration of G.I.A. Applications:

In order to qualify for a Grant For Assistance, the applicant must:

 Be a registered non‐profit organization in good standing with the Registrar of Companies;

 Provide the most recent Annual General Meeting report, financial statements and approved
budget for the current year;

 Demonstrate financial need; and

 Provide a service, project or event that supports the priorities and goals of the City and CRD.

Services, projects or events proposed by the applicant must not:

 Offer direct financial assistance to individuals or families;

 Duplicate or replace services that fall within the mandate of senior levels of government or
local service agency; or

 Support a Provincial or National fundraising campaign; OR

 Be of a commercial nature

Grants for Assistance will be provided under the following categories:

1. Capital Expenditure – equipment purchase, construction, repair or upgrade of facilities
2. Event – seed funding for new, ongoing events with diminishing support over three years
3. Special Project – one‐time special event, program or activity

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