Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Prosperity Review makes more progress

As per direction of the Federal Review Panel - Taseko Mines, proponent of the New Prosperity Mine proposal has now submitted their responses on June 6th to various Information Requests (IR) of the Panel which you can read here

The Panel has advised the various Registered Parties that they have until Sunday, June 16th to submit their responses to the new information that Taseko Mines has submitted in response to the IR Requests of the Panel

It is now possible that the Panel could be in a position to declare enough information is available to hold a public hearing.  Should that happen, we could be looking at a Public Hearing no sooner than mid-to-late July, at the earliest!

Some have already complained that the Panel is taking too long (and I do agree with that sentiment) and it's time to get on with the Public Hearing and let's make a decision - either yes or no

-- SBF

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