Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cariboo RD Board Mtg - June 27th

Present - Chair Al Richmond with Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Kemp, Wagner, Glassford, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Directors S. Forseth (Area D) and J. Darney (Area F)

Absent - Director R. William (Area J)


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Manager of Communications
K. Moores - Manager of Development Services

Agenda adopted/Minutes of June 7th meeting approved
Delegation MOB received

Planning Services:

1) Bylaw 4824 deferred (Area L)
2) Bylaw 4826 given 1st/2nd Reading (Area A)
3) Bylaws 4835/4836 deferred (Area A)
4) Bylaw 4803 given 3rd Reading (Area F)
5) Bylaw 4704 adopted (Area F)
6) Bylaw 4765 adopted (Area A)
7) ALR Application G267 deferred (Area G)
8) ALR Application #75/2012 deferred (Area L)

Environment Services: 

1) Water/Sewer Proposed Projects report received
2) Multi Materials BC Collector Financial Incentives report received/referred to sub-regional Joint Committees for review and provide recommendations back to Regional Board prior to Sept 16th, 2013

3) Board agreed to extend the contracting services agreement with the WLACL (WL Association of Community Living) to March 31, 2014, at which time a two year contract may be drafted that ensures compliance with Multi Materials BC Collector Qualification Standards for recycling depots.

4) Board received a report on Refuse Site Improvements in 2013

Protective Services:

1) Board agreed to conduct a referendum on Sept 14th to get public assent for the West Chilcotin Search and Rescue Service (Area J) with Advanced Polls on Sept 4th/9th


1) The Board agreed to request meetings at annual UBCM Conference with Minister Stone (Transportation) in regards to the Purden Lk Route and a possible meeting regarding an issue on the Nazko Rd (issue to be confirmed prior to UBCM) and with Minister Bond (Tourism taxation issues) and with Minister Lake regarding Health Care issues (GR Baker - Quesnel/Cariboo Memorial Hospital - Williams Lake).

Meeting recessed at 11:20am
Meeting resumed at 11:30am

Delegation - Telus:

Bert Braybrook from Telus appeared before the Board to discuss an update on cell phone service within the Cariboo Chilcotin. The presentation included an overview on a total investment of $4.5M in the Cariboo over the past year. Upgrades in the coming months will include improved coverage in 150 Mile House, 100 Mile House, and the Lac La Hache corridor. New sites for wireless areas which will be addressed in 2014 include the 108 Mile area and McLeese Lake and increased capacity and fibre optics in other areas in the region along Highway 97

A Question Period ensued with all Directors being given a chance to ask questions

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Braybrook for his time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:04pm
Meeting resumed at 12:48pm


1) Board agreed to waive an annual $500 rental fee that the Cariboo RD had been charging to Ministry of Environment previously for their Air Monitoring equipment on the CRD's WL Office.

Opposed - Area E Director Byron Kemp and Area D Alt Director Steve Forseth

Editor's Note - along with Director Kemp, I felt it was a form of downloading.  Directors' Cook, Sjostrom, and Campsall felt strongly that not waiving the $500 rental fee could see the equipment moved elsewhere.  I note that it was a 'request' not a 'requirement'.  I feel the Ministry should contribute to the cost to house the equipment given it is a provincial, and not local, project to collect this information (Air Quality) (hydro, etc).  It's not like that the Ministry can't afford it.  Lots of money wasted these days in Victoria.... just a matter of spending priorities

2) Board received the Monthly Spending Report for May 2013
3) 2012 SOFI Report approved for release


1) Special Liquor License approved for the Alexis Creek DAZE, at the Alexis Creek Community Club grounds on July 20, 2013.

2) Board received an update from the Policy/Procedures Committee
3) Board agreed to submit a UBCM Resolution in regard to the 'Rural BC' project
4) Board agreed to submit the name of Chair Al Richmond for 2nd VP - Union of BC Municipalities
5) Board received an update from the CRD CAO re: Mandate Letters to provincial cabinet ministers
6) Board released an In-Camera Motion from its' closed June 7th meeting as follows:

That CRD Purchasing Policy No. 91-4-4(y) be waived and that the Board endorse staff recommendation to extend the Central Cariboo Transfer Stations Hauling Contract for a one year period, ending September 31, 2014, with the inclusion of a fuel allowance increase in the yearly amount of approximately $11,461 and a monthly fuel surcharge, if applicable. Further, that the applicable signatories be authorized to enter into the extension agreement and that this item be released from in-camera and confirmed in open meeting.

7) Special Liquor License approved for the Deka Lake Volunteer Fire Department to hold a beer garden in conjunction with a fishing derby at the Deka Lake fire hall grounds on August 4, 2013.

8) Consent Calendar received
9) Level 1 Corporate Priorities report received
10) Letter from SD #27 re: Orange Shirt Day received
11) Prioritization of Board Resolutions received

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) North Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes of May 28th/June 4th and the Board endorsed recommendations forward from the North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting of May 28th

2) The Board received the minutes of the June 5th Anaheim Lk Airport Commission meeting and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting

3) The Board received the minutes of the June 6th COW Meeting and endorsed the 10 recommendations from that meeting

4) The Board received the minutes of the June 10th South Cariboo Joint Committee and deferred 1 recommendation (South Cariboo Community Foundation) and endorsed 1 Recommendation (Look into seat belts on 100 Mile Transit Bus)

Corporate Bylaws:

1) Board adopted Central Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 4841, 2013
2) Board adopted South Cariboo Regional Airport Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4842, 2013

Directors' Reports:

a) Board received an update from Director Massier (Area C) regarding the Fraser Basin Council meeting on June 6th in Prince George

b) Other Directors' gave verbal updates on issues/events in their Electoral Area or Municipality

Meeting recessed at 2:20pm
Meeting resumed at 2:25pm to go In-Camera

Board adjourned its' meeting at 2:40pm

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