Thursday, June 27, 2013

CCRHD Board Mtg - June 27th

Present - Chair J. Massier with Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Directors S. Forseth (Area D) and J. Darney (Area F)

Absent - Director R. William (Area J)


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Manager of Communications

Meeting called to order at 9:30am

Agenda adopted/Minutes of June 7th CCRHD (Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District) Meeting approved


1) The Board received an email update on Accreditation Canada process, as provided by Chair Massier
2) A 'Letter of Condolence' will be forwarded to the family of Audrey MacLise at the request of the Area D Alternate Director.  Ms. MacLise passed away earlier this week.  She was also a driving force to getting Deni House re-opened back in 2011

3) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar
4) The Board received an item from Northern Health in regards to 'Understanding Resource and Community Development in Northern BC'

5) The Board endorsed Option 2 to amend CCRHD Bylaws 62 of 2010, 75 of 2011 and 83 of 2012 (GR Baker Hospital and Dunrovin Park Lodge) as follows:

Revise the CCRHD funding to equal 40% of the total expenditures for all four projects referred to above, resulting in total funding of $1,053,632. Since Bylaw 75 (Proximity Card Security System) has been completed and paid for, this would require the funding to be allocated among the three remaining projects.

The Board adjourned its' meeting at 9:43am

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