Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Special CCRHD Board Mtg - June 26th

Present - Chair J. Massier with Directors Armstrong, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Directors S. Forseth (Area D) and J. Darney (Area F)

Absent - Directors H. Dixon-Warren (Area B), R. William (Area J), C. Mernett (Area K)


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Reid - CFO
S. Burich - Manager of Communications

Others Present - Reps from Interior and Northern Health + 1 Member of the Public (G. Atamanenko)

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Presentation - Northern Health (GR Baker):

* Master Plan for all acute care services (minus residential care) on one site by 2035
* Patient focused
* Long Term Flexibility
* "One-Stop" Shop for Health Services
* Seniors friendly
* Consideration given to First Nations Cultural needs
* Planning Criteria
* Developing the Plan
* Renovate or Rebuild on current GR Baker site - cost estimates still the same

A Question and Answer period ensued

Chair Massier, on behalf of the Board, thanked Northern Health for their Presentation

Presentation - Interior Health, via teleconference (Cariboo Memorial):

* Progressive Plan building on previous phases (Master Site Plan)
* Priorities of In-Patient, ER, Ambulatory Care and Pharmacy
* Upgrades to Internal Hospital Infrastructure to accomodate Hospital Site Upgrades in future
* What is a Concept Plan
* Major Components of Concept Plan

i) Needs Evaluation
ii) Site Assessment
iii) Budget
iv) Communications Plan
v) P3 Hospital (Partnerships BC, required for capital projects exceeding $100 million)

* Process

i) Stakeholders
ii) Indicative Design
iii) Capital/Operations Requirements

* Next Steps:

i) RFP for Consultation in Sept 2013
ii) Capital/Operational Estimates
iii) Full Concept Plan to Ministry of Health - Summer of 2014

A Question and Answer period ensued including:

i) Has IH visited CMH?
ii) Flexibility in case of approval for New Prosperity Mine?
iii) What is the plan to engage public during development of Concept Plan?
iv) After Concept Plan approval, how long for Business Case development? - 6 months

Chair Massier, on behalf of the Board, thanked Interior Health for their presentation

The Chair declared a recess for 5 minutes

Meeting then resumed after the recess

Discussion on CCRHD Taxation/Reserves

CAO J. Bell/CFO S. Reid reviewed the item with the Board
Discussion ensued

* Maintain CCRHD Tax Rate or increase it to $75/100,000
* Discuss item with area residents' at Town Hall Meetings this fall
* Timing of CMH/GR Baker Hospital Projects will be crucial to how to budget 40% for these projects

Moved - Director Glassford;
Seconded - Director Cook:

"That Staff be requested to report back on options on how to fund, going forward, the CCRHD share for Cariboo Memorial/GR Baker Hospital Capital Projects"

Carried Unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

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