Thursday, June 6, 2013

CCSAR Members train for Rope Rescue

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Over the May 10, 2013 weekend, the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Central Cariboo Search and Rescue members participated in a Roadside Rope Rescue Operation course hosted by Rescue Canada.

Rescue Canada instructors Chris Armstrong and Adam Laurie spent the weekend with the team teaching and training them to National Fire Protection Agency standards.

The weekend started on Friday night with a classroom session, introducing them to rope construction and maintenance, and rope terminology and knots. Saturday and Sunday both started with classroom time where members learned about different types of pulley systems, multipurpose devices, personal protective equipment, harnesses, rescue belay devices and winches. Later in the afternoon, the team headed out to Fox Mountain for practical training that put their theoretical knowledge to the test.

Members set up basic pulley systems with a belay and mainline attached to the rope team. Using a stretcher on a wheel, the team also practiced low angle hill rescues. The rescue system involves three people pulling the mainline with the pulley system to assist three rescuers, and the subject on the stretcher up the embankment. During the Sunday practical training session, the team worked on the same set up, but this time practiced steep angle hill rescues. The team used the Capstan Winch System which uses mechanical energy rather than rescuers’ energy. The mechanical winch is a huge asset to the rescue operation, and can be managed by two people instead of a full team.

The weekend ended with a practical and written exam. Every member of the unit passed this high level of training and are only the tenth team in BC to achieve this certification.

The CRD’s Central Cariboo Search & Rescue unit provides rescue services in the Regional District’s Electoral Areas D, E, F, a portion of G, and the City of Williams Lake.

The CRD’s Central Cariboo Search and Rescue is a volunteer organization and is always looking for new members. If you are interested in becoming a search and rescue, or highway rescue member, please visit for more information or come and see us during practice nights at the CCSAR Hall at 1110 Mackenzie Ave.

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