Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 27th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Support for Shiraoi Twinning
Council approved a 5-year License of Occupation to the Shiraoi Twinning Society for use of the upper floor and balcony of the Shiraoi House. The Twinning Society has occupied this space since the facility was opened in 2004. Council also allocated $2,500 from the Council projects account (as the 2013 budget has already been finalized) to increase the fee for service provided to the Shiraoi Twinning Society for 2013. They are expecting a delegation from Japan in October this year.

Facade enhancement program
Northern Development Initiative Trust will provide annual funding of up to $20,000 to municipalities to enhance economic development by encouraging private sector investments in business facade improvements. Council approved staff applying for and administering this grant funding and if successful, the City would offer grants to private businesses/property owners for qualifying facade improvement projects. Grants would be up to $5,000 in the way of matching funds and eligible projects would be facade improvements that increase compliance with Development Permit Guidelines in South and West Quesnel, Highway Frontage, and Downtown Development Permit areas.

Airport apron investment
Council approved the recommendation to support the $244,815 grant application made by the City to the Northern Development Initiative Trust under the Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program, for the Apron Expansion project at the Quesnel Regional Airport. The City committed to provide $105,000 toward the total estimated project cost of $349,815.

Accessibility champions recognized
Local accessibility champions Alison Duddy and Lynn Turner were awarded the Measuring Up The North Award of Excellence at the NCLGA convention recently for innovation and ingenuity in their quest to build more livable, age-friendly, disability-friendly universally designed inclusive communities for all residents and visitors to the area.

Microbrewery coming to town
Council gave first and second readings to the City of Quesnel’s Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1719 to allow the use of a currently vacant building at 185 Davie Street as a microbrewery by Barkerville Brewing Company. A public hearing date is scheduled for Monday, June 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Other news
The “old soccer fields” will see a new tenant on their grounds. Council approved a License of Occupation with the Quesnel RC Club for a remote control car track.
A one-year License of Occupation was approved by Council with the Central Interior Kennel Club for use of space in the basement of the City Hall building.
The City of Quesnel will be holding a sealed bid auction soon to dispose of surplus equipment, currently being stored in the basement of City Hall. The majority of items to be auctioned are assets belonging to the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks as well as City owned items. Revenue from these assets will be allocated accordingly to both the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget and the City’s miscellaneous revenue.
Council agreed to a Resolution of Support for the new United Way of Northern BC Pilot Program titled “Mentor Me: A Youth Networking Initiative” which connects youth under 30 with mentors to explore career options and build networks, ideally refining their career path.

Important dates
July 18 to 21 - Gold Dust Mall, Billy Barker Days Festival

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