Friday, July 12, 2013

BC hands $$$ to local gov'ts

Earlier this week - the Province of BC announced its' June contributions from the Strategic Community Investment Fund or SCIF and the transfer of Traffic Fund revenue to municipalities.  Read the full listing of SCIF Fund and Traffic Fine revenue handouts here and background material here

The traffic fine revenue sharing agreement does not apply to BC's Regional Districts and to the Districts of Wells and 100 Mile House, on a local level.  Something that a few years ago didn't sit well with current Cariboo RD Area 'I' Alternate Director and former Area 'I' Electoral Area Director Mary Glassford who once suggested that RD's should get traffic fine revenue as tickets are also handed out in rural areas.

The Hon. Coralee Oakes - Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development says:

"The Strategic Community Investment Fund is all about creating safer, healthier, more liveable communities that allow B.C. families to thrive. For smaller communities in particular, the fund often represents a major portion of their operating budget. This is money in the hands of local governments to provide local programs and services and to invest in community safety."

Meanwhile - the Hon. Suzanne Anton - Minister of Justice says:

"Since 2001, our government's commitment to returning traffic fine revenue to B.C. municipalities has put hundreds of millions of dollars back into communities. The funds help communities support local police services and crime prevention programs, and give the communities the discretion to allocate that money in ways they believe will be most beneficial."

Finally - here is a table indicating the specific amounts coming to Cariboo-Chilcotin communities for SCIF Funds and Traffic Fine Revenue:

Local Government
SCIF Funds
Traffic Fine Revenue
Williams Lake
100 Mile House
Cariboo Reg. District

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