Friday, July 12, 2013

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - July 12th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Editor's Note - My personal congrats to Janis Bell for her 35 years of dedicated service to the people of the Cariboo Regional District in various capacities including her current role as Chief Administrative Officer.  Well done, Janis!

Cariboo Licensees Land Use Strategy Committee

     Keith Dufresne, Project Leader, and Guenter Weckerle, Chair, for the Cariboo Licensees Land Use Strategy Committee (CLLUSC), appeared before the Board to speak about the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations' Mid-Term Timber Supply Project. The presentation focused on an overview of what the Mid-Term Timber Supply means to the region, timelines in the industry, and a science based review process. Weckerle provided an overview of the CLLUSC observations and recommendations as well as encouragement for the Regional District to engage in the science based review process.

Independent Investigative Office

Richard Rosenthal, Chief Civilian Director, and Ralph Krenz, Senior Investigator - Manager Stakeholder Relations, from the Independent Investigative Office (IIO) of BC, presented information about the IIO. The IIO has jurisdiction in the investigation of on and off-duty police officers in the province when a serious or major police incident occurs. The three key goals of the IIO are; complete thorough, fair, competent investigations; improve timeliness of investigations; and improve transparency and accountability through public reporting. Further information about the IIO is available online at     

Funds Authorized for Grant Writing Workshops

The Board authorized up to $350 to be shared equally among  Electoral Areas D, F, G, H, L Director Initiative funds for the cost of coffee and tea service plus two lunches for the facilitator at two Northern Interior Communities Association Grant Writing Workshops in Williams Lake and 100 Mile House in August 2013. The Northern Interior Communities Association (NICA) works with non-profit organizations in northern BC to write and submit successful grant applications to the British Columbia Community Gaming Grant program. The Cariboo Regional District has partnered with the NICA over the past two years to bring their workshop to the Cariboo through the Community Grant Writer program. In 2012, approximately 60 people attended and successful applications and appeals to the Gaming Grant program were submitted.

North Cariboo Multi-Centre

The CRD endorsed a resolution put forward by the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee regarding the North Cariboo Multi-Centre. The resolution confirmed that the project requires a $30 million budget to proceed and included an allocation of $20,000 from the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget to continue to support the Multi-Centre Fundraising initiatives over the summer months.

New Prosperity Federal Review Panel Public Hearing
     The Cariboo Regional District will be registering as a participant in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency’s New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Federal Review Panel Public Hearing. The General Public Hearing sessions are scheduled to take place in Williams Lake July 22-25 in the Gibraltar Room of the Cariboo Memorial Complex. The deadline to register as a participant for the General Hearing sessions is July 15. Further information about the Federal environmental assessment process is available online at

CRD’s Heritage Driving Brochure

The CRD’s recently released Heritage Tourism Driving brochure has met with overwhelming success. As a result, the Regional District Board of Directors authorized $1,000 from the Heritage services budget to allow a second print run of the Historic Driving Brochure. The brochure is available at Tourism Information Centres and historic sites throughout the region. An electronic version of the publication is also available on the CRD website at     

CRD Celebrates CAO 35th Service Anniversary

Chair Al Richmond and the Board of Directors presented CRD CAO Janis Bell with a bouquet of flowers during today’s Board meeting in honour of her 35 years of service to the Regional District. Congratulations Janis!

Next Meeting

Aug. 23 - 9:30 a.m. – CCRHD & CRD Board of Directors in Williams Lake

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