Monday, August 12, 2013

2014 Budget Discussions - City of WL

Editor's Note - in a modified model that the City of Kamloops has used for their budget process with their residents', the City of Williams Lake proposes to use a series of tables where you go and discuss budget proposals with the relevant Department Manager.  However, I am disappointed the City continues to hold meetings at 6pm when making a start time at 7pm would be more appropriate for the general public, but I disgress....

Meanwhile - I applaud the City for this latest venture to engage the public for the City's Budget Process and I would encourage residents' of the Cariboo RD Rural Fringe areas & City residents' to take part in this process...

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

All residents are encouraged to participate in a roundtable public engagement session on Thursday, Sept. 12 to provide their input on the 2014 budget process.

Each member of Council will be in attendance, sitting at tables and speaking to members of the public. City managers will be on hand to provide support for the discussions. Everyone is invited to come speak to Council members and provide their thoughts the budget process, municipal operations, and the City’s vision.

Information available at the meeting will include the five-year financial plan, a departmental cost breakdown, the five-year capital plan, business plan, long-term debt analysis, and financial forecasting. The same information will also be made available on the City’s website at

“We have made great progress in improving the budget process over the past four years, and now we are taking another huge step forward,’ says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “We want residents to fill the Gibraltar Room and sit down with us so we can hear what they want to see next year’s budget look like.

“This is your chance to help choose how Williams Lake moves forward. A municipal budget affects everyone in the community, and we want everyone in the community to participate in this meeting.”

Following the meeting, there will additional public meetings during September and October where Council will discuss public input and deliberate the budget. It is anticipated the provisional 2014 budget will be approved in November. Having a provisional budget in place allows for improved planning of capital projects, and a simplified process as Council deliberates the final budget, which is required to be submitted to the provincial government in May.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Gibraltar Room at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex on Thursday, Sept. 12.

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