Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Revised 108 Mile Water Restrictions...

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has revised the water sprinkling restrictions for the 108 Mile Ranch water system, as a result of over-use. Even numbered premises can only water on even numbered days of the month, and odd numbered premises can only water on odd numbered days of the month. The use of yard sprinklers is allowed from 6 to 8 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.

The CRD also received the July interim report from consultant Kala Geosciences regarding the water levels of the 108 Mile and Sepa Lakes. The company has expanded the monitoring program over the past year to better determine the effects of the community wells on the 108 Mile and Sepa Lake levels.

The report concludes that the withdrawal of groundwater affects lake levels during drought conditions such as those that have occurred over the past few years. The wells are not drawing water directly from the lakes, but rather are intercepting groundwater that would otherwise support lake levels during drought conditions. Kala also reported the monitoring revealed that the aquifer to the north of the 108 Mile Ranch subdivision, may not be associated with maintaining the lake levels during drought periods. Further testing will confirm if this aquifer can be utilized, allowing the CRD to reduce or eliminate its use of the current wells.

Kala Geosciences will be investigating this aquifer further during the summer and fall of 2013. A 60 day pump test will occur whereby an existing well located on the 108 Golf Resort property will be pumped with the water being discharged into 108 Mile Lake. With the on-going cooperation of The 108 Golf Resort, should testing be favourable, the Cariboo Regional District will consider development of a community well in the north aquifer.

To view the July interim report, please visit us online at cariboord.bc.ca. For further information or questions about this report, please contact the CRD’s Environmental Services Department at 250-392-3351 or toll free at 1-800-665-1636.

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