Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) - Aug 20th mtg

Council present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor and Hughes (via teleconference)

Council absent - Councillors Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias

Staff present:

Darryl Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Rena Schill - Corp Services Records Management Coordinator
Des Webster - Fire Chief/Director of Protective Services

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda approved with 1 Late Item/Mins of July 23rd COW Mtg approved


1) Fire Protection/Control Bylaw #2189, 2013

The Director of Protective Services reviewed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Bonnell;
Seconded - Councillor Rathor:

THAT it be recommended to Council:

"That Williams Lake Fire Protection and Control Bylaw No. 2189” be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading"


2) Leaders Moving Forward Committee

General discussion ensued by the Committee
No resolution resulted from the discussion

3) Late Item - Ltr of Support to Soda Crk Indian Band (Xatsull First Nation)

The Chair reviewed the item with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Moved - Councillor Bonnell;
Seconded - Councillor Bourdon:

That Council issue a letter of support for the Soda Creek Indian Band for their CCBAC application in regards to Soda Creek's Whispering Pines campground upgrades


Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm

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