Tuesday, August 20, 2013

COW/Special Quesnel Council Meetings - Aug 19th

Council present - Mayor Mary Sjostrom and Councillors J. Brisco, M. Cave, S. Elliott, L. Roodenburg, and S. Thapar

Council absent - Councillor Ed Coleman (holidays)

Staff present:

Byron Johnson - City Manager
Gina Albers - Deputy Corporate Administrator
Kari Bolton - Director of Corporate and Financial Services
Mike Bolch - Director of Public Works and Engineering
Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services
Tanya Turner - Manager of Development Services

In the Committee:

Acting Mayor Cave called meeting to order at 7pm
Agenda adopted


1) Chad Marlatt, Real Estate and Government Affairs, TELUS appeared before the Committee to discuss a recent initiative to install a new Cell Tower in South Quesnel - full presentation here

Wireless Network Coverage in Quesnel
How Does a Wireless Network Work?
Wireless Facilities and Siting Considerations
Existing Wireless Infrastructure in Quesnel
Proposed new TELUS Wireless Facility
Review TELUS’ consultation Efforts
Next Steps/Relocation of Proposed Facility

A Question and Answer period ensued
Acting Mayor Cave, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Marlatt for his time/information


1) Admin Rpt #100/13 - Permissive Tax Exemptions

The Director of Corporate/Financial Services discussed her report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Elliott;
Seconded - Councillor Roodenburg:

THAT it be recommended to Council:

THAT Council approve a 100% permissive tax exemption for the two folios held by Quesnel Lions Housing Society for the years 2014 and 2015 and direct staff to prepare the required bylaw and undertake the required public notification process.


2) Admin Rpt #104/13 - MMBC/Residential Recycling

The Director of Public Works/Engineering discussed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee deferred further consideration of this item pending a presentation by MMBC on Friday at the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting.  City Manager Johnson will attend this meeting

The Committee adjourned at 7:51pm

Special Council Meeting:

Council/Staff being present same as at start of the COW Meeting
Meeting agenda adopted with two late items


1) Admin Rpt #101/13 -- DVP #2013-39 (Motherlode Car Wash)

The Manager of Development Services reviewed her report with Council
Discussion ensued thereon

The applicant appeared before Council to discuss his proposal with Council

The Deputy Corporate Administrator read a late letter tabled with Council expressing concerns with this item

Moved - Councillor Cave;
Seconded - Councillor Elliott:

THAT Council requires the proponent correct the access and egress deficiencies prior to considering the development application by requesting the proponent:
1) Submit a Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure approved access and egress plan; and
2) Construct the required improvements.

AND THAT Council supports the proponent submitting the following prior to Council’s official consideration of the development proposal:

1) Submitting an internal traffic movement plan from a qualified traffic engineer;
2) Receiving an estimate for landscaping and bonding in the amount of 125% of the estimate; and
3) Submitting plans and receiving approval from Public Works and Engineering for a storm water oil


2) Admin Rpt #56C/13 - Barkerville Microbrewery Co./DP Application

The Manager of Development Services reviewed her report with Council
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Elliott;
Seconded - Councillor Brisco:

THAT Council approve DP2013-64 to permit the façade improvements as specified in this August 19th, 2013 report to Council subject to submitting a quote and bonding for the landscaping components of the plan.


3) Admin Report #83B/13 - Bylaw to Extend Redemption Period

The Director of Corp/Financial Services reviewed her report with Council
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Elliott;
Seconded - Councillor Roodenburg:

THAT Council amend City of Quesnel Redemption Period Extension Bylaw No. 1722 of 2013 to add 785 Avery Avenue, legally described as Lot 16, Block 2, District Lot 704, Plan 5248 (Folio 470-04041.000)


Moved - Councillor Roodenburg;
Seconded - Councillor Cave:

That Council give 3rd Reading to City of Quesnel Redemption Period Extension Bylaw No. 1722 of 2013, as amended


4) Admin Rpt #103/13 - Pioneer Park License of Occupation

The Director of Community Services reviewed his report with Council
Discussion ensued thereon

Moved - Councillor Roodenburg;
Seconded - Councillor Elliott:

THAT COUNCIL enter into the attached five-year license of occupation with the Cariboo Regional District, Quesnel River Archers and Quesnel Canoe Club for the use of Pioneer Park;

AND THAT the Mayor and the Corporate Administrator be authorized to execute such documentation as required to complete the Agreement.


5) Late Item - Request to change name of local skateboard park

The Deputy Corporate Administrator read a late letter concerning a request to change the name of the Skateboard park in Quesnel

The City Manager further discussed this item with Council

Discussion ensued thereon

Council referred this item back to Staff for further discussions with the family involved with the request

Mayor Sjostrom reviewed upcoming Council meetings

Meeting adjourned at 8:47pm

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