Thursday, August 15, 2013

Donna Barnett writes in support of New Prosperity

Earlier today - the Federal Review Panel on New Prosperity posted on its' Public Registry a letter written on July 17th, 2013 by Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett in support of New Prosperity

In the letter, MLA Barnett says:

* Look at New Prosperity project based on scientific and economic evidence.

* The unemployment statistics in the Chilcotin are astounding, we must give these young people the jobs this project will provide to move these communities out of poverty.

* I have taken the time to monitor the environmental concerns of those who oppose this project. These concerns have been in my opinion, addressed many times. The regulations for permits under the Province of BC guidelines are the strictest in the world. It is time that science became the guiding factor in resource based industries decision-making processes by both provincial and federal governments. Lobbyists that oppose resource development are just that – lobbyists – who are opposed to everything.

* While I appreciate that some of our First Nation communities have concerns, I believe that through this consultation process, and with revenue sharing, the opportunities for the First Nation people, can be addressed. Young First Nation people will have the opportunity for good paying jobs if they so choose to work in this field. The Prosperity Mine Project will open up many doors for these communities, the economic and social benefits are limitless. The revenue sharing, and employment opportunities will help these communities have a hand up instead of a handout! This will help to build a strong region, Province and country.

Read MLA Barnett's full letter to the Panel here

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