Thursday, August 15, 2013

Upcoming Mail Delivery Changes - Williams Lake

Earlier this week - I received the following card from Canada Post:

Upon receiving this card - I contacted Canada Post for further details but the clerk I talked with was unable to provide further details.  I am disappointed that Canada Post sends a card like this but doesn't have anything thought out beforehand.  For example, could delivery of that important pension cheque be delayed until 4pm on a Friday and thus depriving a single senior of important funds until 9:30am Monday morning, given deposit rules on weekends (first $100 allowed, remainder held for 4-7 business days) at all banks...

It would have been better to know the exact new mail delivery route beforehand and then notify the public and then be ready to answer the public's questions when they come

Meanwhile - the Rush reports on the recent survey done in the Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo riding with regards to Canada Post services - read here

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