Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 9th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Financial Plan amendment
Council approved the first two readings of the City of Quesnel 2013 to 2017 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1725. In accordance with Section 165 of the Community Charter, the City of Quesnel is required to adopt by bylaw a Five Year Financial Plan. The Financial Plan must outline the proposed expenditures, revenues and transfers between funds for the next five years. If there are projects proposed during the year that were not in the original financial plan, an amendment bylaw must be approved.
Airport apron expansion
The first project is to expand the airport apron. The current apron is 52,500 square feet, one of the smallest certified airport aprons in B.C., and cannot accommodate multiple aircraft effectively. The City plans to expand the apron by an additional 22,500 square feet. The expansion is designed to provide access to a proposed multi-use hanger facility. A grant has been received from Northern Development Initiative Trust in the amount of $244,815 under the Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program. The City has committed to provide $105,000 toward the total estimated project cost of $349,815.
New home for Public Works
The second project is for a new public works facility which requires funds from the Public Works Relocation Reserve to proceed. Council has approved the purchase of land for this facility from funds in the Public Works Reserve. The current facility is beyond its lifespan and located within the 200 year flood level. This poses a significant issue; when the City’s services are needed most they may be partially or fully compromised. Renovating or redeveloping the aging infrastructure would require investment that may not be a prudent use of funding due to the location in the flood plain. In the amended bylaw, $480,000 is proposed to be used towards purchasing and preparing land for the new facility and to start the design and cost estimates.

Council welcomes Staff Sergeant
Council extended their congratulations to new Staff Sergeant Detachment Commander Steve Vrolyk. Staff Sergeant Vrolyk has been working in Quesnel for the past four years as a Constable and recently received a promotion to Staff Sergeant. Staff Sergeant Vrolyk thanked Council for the opportunity to serve in his new capacity.

Other news
• Council supported in principle, the Quesnel Naturalists application for funding. The funding would be used for conservation education including the establishment of two educational signs in West Fraser Timber Park.
• Council gave final adoption to the bylaw naming Hendry Road which extends west at 700 meters on Racing Road.
• Council gave third reading to the bylaw to exempt lands and improvements from payment of taxes for the assessment and collection years of 2014 and 2015 for lands owned by the Quesnel Lions Housing Society.

September - Big Brothers Big Sisters Month
October 21 to 26 - 
Child Development Week
October 21 to 27 - Waste Reduction Week in Canada

Important dates
September 30 - Orange Shirt Day 

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