Wednesday, September 11, 2013

South Cariboo Referendum Results Final

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s Chief Election Officer has declared the result of the South Cariboo Recreation and the South Cariboo Search and Rescue Referendums as official. The results are as follows by polling station.

South Cariboo Recreation:            Yes: 571               No: 318

Polling Station                                  Yes         No          Total Votes
Forest Grove                                     26           25           51
Lone Butte                                        42           82           124
108 Mile Community Hall              137        64           201
District of 100 Mile House             225        70           295
Advance Poll Aug. 28                      56           42           98
Advance Poll Sept. 3                       83           33           116
Mail Ballots                                       2             2             4
Results                                               571        318        889

South Cariboo Search and Rescue:             Yes: 943               No: 121

Polling Station                                  Yes         No          Total Votes
Forest Grove                                     63           14           77
Lone Butte                                        100        45           145
108 Mile Community Hall              200        14           214
District of 100 Mile House             301        18           319
Interlakes (Roe Lake) Hall              46           9             55
Advance Poll Aug. 28                      93           13           106
Advance Poll Sept. 3                       136        7             143
Mail Ballots                                       4             1             5
Results                                               943        121        1064

For further information about the referendums contact the CRD Chief Election Officer, Alice Johnston or Deputy Chief Election Officer, Darron Campbell at (250) 392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636. Further information is also available on the CRD website at

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