Friday, November 8, 2013

CC Joint Cmte meets Wed

No local government in the Cariboo-Chilcotin has a regular meeting scheduled next week with the exception of the North & Central Cariboo Joint Committees - the Central Cariboo Joint Committee is made up of the entire Williams Lake City Council and the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas D, E, F, J and K.  This is a special meeting to primarily consider the 2014 Central Cariboo Recreation Function Business & Financial Plans

Read the Nov 13th CC Joint Committee Agenda here

Cariboo RD Area D Director Deb Bischoff has tasked me as her Alternate Director to attend this meeting on her behalf so I'll be reviewing the Agenda over the weekend in preparation for this meeting.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.  The link is above

Meanwhile - please don't forget that the North Cariboo has an important referendum on Saturday on whether or not to extend its' current $15 million North Cariboo Multicentre Borrowing Bylaw until 2015.  This was approved by voters' within the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Function in 2008.  Tomorrow, I'll post the info on where you can vote and get info from those both opposed and in favour of the referendum.  On Tuesday, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee, comprised of Quesnel Council & the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I, will meet.  If the NC Multicentre referendum fails on Saturday night, I can only imagine that there will be a post-mortem on the referendum at this meeting.  View the NC Joint Planning Committee agenda here

On Monday - Remembrance Day in all communities of the Cariboo-Chilcotin.  Director Bischoff and I will be attending the event at Williams Lake City Hall.  She will be laying a wreath on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District.  But wherever you are, please take 2 minutes to remember those who died in the various World Wars (WWI, WWII, Korea, etc) so we can practice that thing called 'democracy'

Finally - the 'Indigenous Title Express' arrives home from its' trip to Ottawa in the next few days and will have a 'Homecoming' Event on Thursday, Nov 14th.  See poster below for full details:

-- SBF

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