Thursday, November 7, 2013

CRD Board Highlights - Nov 7th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Cariboo Memorial Redevelopment RFP Awarded
      The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District reviewed information released earlier this week about the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master Plan. Interior Health and the CCRHD announced that a proponent has been chosen to participate in the next stage of the redevelopment planning for Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) – the architectural and planning services to develop a Concept Plan for CMH redevelopment priorities, including a new inpatient unit. Five consulting companies responded to the CMH Redevelopment Request for Proposal (RFP), which closed October 9. Following evaluation of the responses, the successful proponent was CEI Architecture. Further information is available online at
Orange Shirt Day Display
      The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors agreed to support in principle, the City of Quesnel’s request to work together to establish a permanent display to commemorate Orange Shirt Day. The proposed display would be a permanent display at the Quesnel and District Museum and will be used to help create awareness and education about the residential school experience. Please find attached a request from the City of Quesnel for a permanent display or monument in honour of Orange Shirt Day and the movement to create awareness and education around the residential school experience. Visit the Orange Shirt Day online at for more information.

Funding for Alexis Creek street lighting
      The CRD Board of Directors authorized $3,000 for a feasibility study to have street lighting provided in the community of Alexis Creek. The CRD will undertake an initial review and develop a public discussion and assent process as first steps.

Director initiative funds authorized
      The CRD authorized up to $600 from the Area B Director Initiative Funds. The funds will be used to host a Bouchie Lake Stewardship Committee meeting and information session for the Bouchie – Millburn Lake areas.
      During today’s meeting, the Board also approved a request of up to $250 of Electoral Area G Director’s Initiative funding to host a volunteer appreciation lunch for the 108 Greenbelt Commission members.

CCRHD 2014 Tax Rate
               During last night’s Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District meeting, the Board endorsed a proposed resolution to raise the current tax rate for 2014 from $62/$100,000 to $70/$100,000 of residential assessment. This decision was based partly on Town Hall meeting feedback and that two significant capital projects are in the planning stages including the redevelopment of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake and the GR Baker Hospital in Quesnel. This increase will help minimize borrowing costs by building capital reserves. In 2000, the CCRHD adopted a ten-year capital plan to avoid borrowing for projects. During this timeframe, the Regional Hospital District was able to save approximately $1.5M per year in financing costs. Each of these projects is roughly estimated at $150,000,000. Based on the traditional 60/40 per cent split between the Province and the Regional Hospital District, the CCRHD share of each project would be $60,000,000 for a total estimated expenditure of $120,000,000 for the two projects. If the Regional Hospital District was to borrow this amount rather than using capital reserves, the financing costs alone would be in excess of $5 million.

Draft Water Modernization Act Reviewed
      The Cariboo Regional District will be submitting comments and feedback on the draft legislative proposal for a new Water Sustainability Act (WSA) which was recently circulated to all local governments in the province. In April of 2010 the Board considered the Water Act Modernization discussion paper, Living Water Smart (LWS), and provided comments and suggestions to the Ministry of Environment. Based on the feedback from the CRD and other local governments the revised draft legislation has made improvements in seven key areas.
1) Protect stream health and aquatic environments.
2) Consider water in land use decisions.
3) Regulate and protect groundwater.
4) Regulate water use during times of scarcity.
5) Improve security, water use efficiency and conservation.
6) Measure and report large-scale water use.
7) Provide for a range of governance approaches.
The draft Water Act Modernization proposed legislation and discussion paper is available online at

Next Meeting
CRD Finance Budget/Board Meeting – Nov. 29, 2013

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