Friday, November 1, 2013

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 4-8

A number of local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be meeting this upcoming week as follows:

Wells - Regular Council meeting on Tuesday, Nov 5th at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Avenue

Quesnel - Regular Council meeting on Monday, Nov 4th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor, 410 Kinchant St)

On the Agenda:

a) Adopt Mins/Recommendation from Oct 28th COW Mtg
b) Receipt of CRD Board Mtg Highlights of Oct 25th & QCEDC Mtg from Sept
c) Zoning Amendment - 654 Reid St
d) Council pay for 2014 - City Staff recommend no increase based on Council Policy
e) License of Occupation of Alex Fraser Park
f) Outline to Changes to Quesnel Transit on Nov 18th
g) Adopt Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw

Full Agenda can be viewed here

*** Don't forget Monday, Nov 4th is Advance Voting Day #2 for the NC Multi-centre Referendum.  This is your last day to vote prior to General Voting Day for the Referendum on Nov 9th.  More details can be found here ***

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting on Nov 5th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St)

On the Agenda:

Delegations (2) - Interior Roads to present their Winter Road Maintenance Program & CMHA in regards to Homelessness and Housing Initiatives in Williams Lake and area


1) Adoption of CC Joint Committee Recommendations from the Joint Committee's Oct 23rd meeting
2) Adoption of COW Recommendations from Oct 29th COW Mtg
3) 2014 Borrowing in anticipation of Property Taxation Bylaw - 3 Readings
4) BIA 2013-2018 Enabling Bylaw - 3 Readings followed by Counter-Petition Process
5) 2 Requests to permit Mayor Cook to travel to 2 events
6) Parking Restriction Signage at Western Ave/Johnson St
7) Renew Land Lease for Scout Island
8) Renew Lease for Seniors' Activity Centre
9) Request to waive Janitors' Fees for WL Community Band (event on Dec 6th)
10) Letter to participate in Community-to-Community Forum at Sugarcane (WL Indian Band) in early 2014

11) Receipt of City Manager's (CAO) Monthly Report

Editor's Note -- Darrell Garceau is to be applauded for being so open with the work he is involved in and what the municipality is up to

Full Agenda can be viewed here

Cariboo Regional District:

November 6th - CC Reg Hospital Board meeting at 5:30pm in Cariboo RD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Ave, Williams Lake) -- Discussion of CCRHD Tax Rate & Upgrades to Cariboo Memorial Hospital/GR Baker Hospital.  Full Agenda Item found here

November 6th - Strategic Planning Session - Discussion on 2014 Strategic Plan and Review of 2013 Town Hall Meetings Input.  Agenda for meeting can be found here.  Session will commence upon adjournment of Nov 6th CCRHD Mtg

Nov 7th - CC Reg Hospital Board meeting at 9:30am in Cariboo RD Boardroom.  Hospital Consent Calendar and Flu Clinics within Northern Health on the Agenda.  Agenda can be viewed here

Nov 7th - Regular Cariboo RD Board meeting at 9:45am in Cariboo RD Boardroom.  On the Agenda:

Delegation - None


1) Various Land Planning matters
2) Receipt of Deputy Minister of Environment advising 90 day deferral not on table.  Advises that Local Government negotiate directly with MMBC.  I'm disappointed to see Victoria passing the buck to MMBC when MMBC says they are doing the work of Victoria

3) Request for Research Funds for Alexis Creek Street Lighting
4) Requests to Access Areas B and G Director Initiative Funds
5) City of Quesnel requests Cariboo RD support for permanent monument for Orange Shirt Day
6) Adopt Recommendations from Various Rural Caucuses and Joint Committees

Full Agenda can be viewed here

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