Friday, November 1, 2013

Taseko Mines reponds to New Prosperity Final Rpt

In not an entire surprise - Taseko Mines took to the media to state its' case notwithstanding the message that yesterday's New Prosperity Federal Review Panel final report stated which was the project had several 'adverse environmental impacts' and some would not be able to be mitigated including impacts to Fish Lake and local First Nations.  Local First Nations have responded to the Panel Report which you can read here while you can read Taseko Mines' statement on the 'New Prosperity' Fed Review Panel Final Report here

Meanwhile - both Taseko Mines' President/CEO Russell Hallbauer and Taseko Mines' VP of Corporate Affairs Brian took to media  Listen to their interviews below:

1) CBC Early Edition interview with Brian Battison

2) Business Day AM interview with Russell Hallbauer

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