Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Muni Spending Watch 2013

In their annual report - the Cdn Federation of Ind. Business (CFIB) looks at the spending priorities at Municipal Halls throughout BC.  In their Key Findings:

a) In all, there were just 10 out of 153 municipalities (7%) in BC that kept operating spending in line with inflation and population growth the last decade. No large municipalities (population of 25,000 and over) made the list.

b) In 2000, BC residents spent on average $717 dollars for the operations of their local government (total municipal operating spending divided by total BC population). In 2011, that dollar amount increased to $945 per person when adjusted to inflation, representing a 32 per cent increase in operating spending per capita in BC from 2000.

c) Vancouver Island had the highest operating spending growth the past decade in all the regions examined at 46 per cent adjusted for inflation and population growth.

d) BC’s major centres, Vancouver and Victoria, increased their operating spending by 31 and 26 per cent respectively after adjusting for inflation and population growth respectively from 2000 – 2011. Together, it represents about 1.1 billion in excess spending the past decade.

e) Amongst the largest municipalities, Surrey had a 13 per cent increase in real operating spending per capita from 2010 to 2011. A sizable portion of the operating spending increase came from an increase in salaries and benefits for municipal employees.

Read the full report here

In looking at the CFIB's municipal spending data closer to home, they note that 100 Mile House had the best control on 2000-2011 Real Operating Spending per Capita at -5% while Williams Lake had the worst control during the same time period (2000-2011) at 43%.  See table below for specific date per community

Local Gov’t
Real Operating Spending per Capita from 2000-2011 (%)
2011 Operating Spending per Capita ($)
Change in Muni Spending per Capita from 2000-2011 (%)
Overall Prov Rank
(1 – worst, 155 – best)
Last Yr’s Rank

Williams Lake
100 Mile House

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