Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Nov 5th mtg

Present - Acting Mayor I. Bonnell, and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, and Walters

Absent - Mayor K. Cook (ill) and Councillor S. Zacharias (holidays)

Staff present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Chris Hutton - Planning Tech
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Agenda adopted/Mins of Oct 22nd, 2013 Council meeting adopted


1) Dan Hutchins from Interior Roads appeared before Council to discuss their Winter Road Maintenance Project


1) Council received for information accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending October 24 and 31, 2013

2) Council ratified six (6) Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) Arts/Culture Fee for Service Agreements be entered into as follows, each for a three-year term:

• Williams Lake Museum & Historical Society = $29,000;
• Station House Studio & Gallery Society = $12,000;
• Rotary Club of Williams Lake Daybreak (for Stampede Parade) = $5,000;
• Williams Lake Harvest Fair Society = $2,500;
• Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area Association (for annual Winter Lights Celebration and Stampede Street Party) = $7,000;
• TBA (for Canada Day Celebrations in Boitanio Park) = $1,500;
• Horsefly Historical Society = $2,000;
• Likely & District Chamber of Commerce (Cedar City Museum) = $2,000;

TOTAL = $61,000.

Council also approved topping up Fee for Service agreements (City of WL) with the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin ($3,450 per year for 3 years) and local BIA ($1,500 per year for 3 years) for Winter Lights/Stampede Street Parade events by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes and Rathor
Negative - Councillor Laurie Walters

b) The following wording be added under “Section 8 – Grant Categories” of the Grant-in-Aid Agreement between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake (Schedule A5 to the Memorandum of Understanding between the CRD and City):

"(d) Grants will not be provided for operating funds, wages and items that are deemed to be consumable or have a functional lifespan of less than one year."

c) The Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting schedule for 2014 be endorsed as follows:

• Wednesday, January 22, 2014 (CRD);
• Wednesday, February 26, 2014 (CRD);
• Wednesday, March 26, 2014 (CRD);
• Wednesday, April 23, 2014 (CRD);
• Wednesday, May 28, 2014 (CRD);
• Wednesday, June 18, 2014 (City);
• Wednesday, September 17, 2014 (City);
• Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (City);
• Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (City).

d) The Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's '2013 Canada Day / Performances in the Park Year-End Report' be received for information.

e) The Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's '2013 Third Quarter Report' be received for information.

f) The Central Cariboo Arts and Culture 2014 Business and Financial Plans be received and endorsed

3) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading to Bylaw No. 2197 - 2014 Borrowing in Anticipation of Revenue

4) Council approved the request from the Williams Lake Central Business Area Association (BIA) for renewal of the Business Improvement Area Establishment Bylaw for a further 5 year term effective January 1, 2014 and subject to counter petition, Bylaw No. 2198 was introduced and given 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading. Staff were directed to issue notice of the 30 day counter petition process, pursuant to Section 211 of the Community Charter.

5) Council authorized Mayor Cook to travel to the following events:

a) British Columbia Business Summit: 'Building Prosperity through a Competitive Economy' on November 12 and 13, 2013 in Vancouver 

b) 19th Annual Aboriginal Education Conference' being held December 12 to 14, 2013 in Vancouver

6) Council approved the installation of restriction of parking signs on the west side of Western Avenue at 798 and 797 Johnson Street, for approximately 15 metres on either side of the intersection, and the installation of additional signage on the stop signs at Western Avenue that read "HIGH COLLISION LOCATION"

7) Council directed Staff to work with the Williams Lake Field Naturalists on a co-application for the renewal of the Land Act Reserve at the west end of Williams Lake

8) Council received the proposed First Renewal Term Agreement for the Senior’s Activity Centre Society Lease for the lands located at 176 Fourth Avenue North and directed the required Notice of Disposition be published in accordance with Section 26 (3) of the Community Charter; and further, subsequent consideration of approval of the First Renewal Term Agreement for the Seniors’ Activity Centre Lease be referred to the November 19, 2013 Regular Council Meeting.

9) Council approved 4 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) The new place brand theme be received and brought back for Council's consideration at the November 19, 2013 Regular Meeting of Council

b) The draft City of Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw, be received and brought forward for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading at the November 19, 2013 Regular Meeting of Council

c) The report of the Senior Bylaw Officer dated October 17, 2013 regarding parking issues at TRU, 11th Avenue and snow removal be received and Staff be directed to begin consultation on these proposed initiatives and report back to Council

d) The White Paper on Reforming Local Government Elections be received

10) Council received/endorsed the Minutes of the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting held October 23, 2013

11) Mayor/Council were authorized to attend the half-day facilitated workshop, through the Regional Community to Community Forum Program, with the Williams Lake Indian Band and Cariboo Regional District with the objective of identifying methods of improved communication between the three parties (City of WL, Cariboo RD and WL Indian Band)

12) At the request of the WL Community Band, Council approved waiving its Policy #96 to waive the usual janitorial fee for the use of WL Council Chambers for the Community Band's use on December 6th for its' annual Christmas concert

13) Council proclaimed Nov 6th, 2013 as "Community Social Service Workers Appreciation Day" in the City of Williams Lake

14) Council received the Nov 5th "Council Information Package" as follows:

• October 14, 2013 - Canadian Union of Postal Workers re The Future of Canada Post;
• October 25, 2013 - CRD Board Highlights.

15) Late Item - Acting Mayor I. Bonnell brought forward the Fed Review Panel (New Prosperity) for Council's information.  Council resolved to receive the item for information with no further action

16) Council received for information the report of the Chief Administrative Officer containing a summary of City business for the period ending November 1, 2013

Councillor Rathor reported on his recent activities.  Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, and Walters did not bring forward oral reports

Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm

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