Monday, December 9, 2013

$20,000 for local projects - NC Comm Futures

Via Cariboo RD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren:

North Cariboo Community Futures has announced an additional $20,000 in funding to support local non-profits with community projects.

NC Community Futures’ Chair, Karen Borsato, is excited about the opportunity to provide grant funds in support of projects that will improve the quality of life in the North Cariboo region and help Community Futures meet its mandate of creating a sustainable and diversified economy. “There are many great ideas for community projects out there. We hope that our funding will leverage other resources and help to move some of them forward”.

Since 2010, Community Futures has provided over $100,000 in funding to the following projects: Cariboo Ski Touring Club for an Elementary School Ski Program; Island Mountain Arts for the Art is Your Business program; Alex Fraser Park Society for a Manure Composting Facility; Gold Rush Cycling for the Bicycle Skills Park; North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association for their Agricultural Awareness Program, Quesnel SkyFest Society for SkyFest 2012 and 2013; Baker Creek Enhancement Society for the West Side Community Garden; and the Quesnel Canoe Club for their Boathouse project.

An information session will be held at NC Community Futures Thursday, December 12 at 4:30 PM.  335 Vaughn Street

More information on the Community Economic Development (CED) Fund can be found on Community Futures web-site at or by calling Community Futures at 250-992-2322.

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