Saturday, December 7, 2013

SD 27 SOFI Report - 2012/13

On Tuesday - the Board of Education for School District 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) will meet and one of the items that it'll receive is its' Statement of Financial Information or SOFI Report pursuant to Section 2(3) of the Financial Information Act which requires a "corporation" (School Boards/Local Governments) to file a SOFI Report with Victoria 6 months after its' fiscal year end.  The School District uses a July - June fiscal year unlike their local government counterparts that use a Jan-Dec calendar fiscal year.  This same requirement applies to the 5 Local Government (Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District) and their SOFI Reports are due by June 30th, 2014 for their 2013 Fiscal Year

Meanwhile - the SOFI Report lists all those teachers/administrators in School District #27 as well as what Trustees made in the 2012-13 Fiscal Year.  One eye raising aspect in the report is Zone #2 Trustee (and new SD27 Board Chair) Tanya Guenther claimed $11,515.43 in expenses during the 2012-13 Fiscal Year.

Read below: (I have published the portion of the SOFI report for Trustees/Staff salary/expenses information)

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