Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cariboo RD Central Rural Directors Caucus - Jan 29th mtg

Present - Chair J. Sorley, Director B. Kemp and Area D Alternate Director S. Forseth


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 4pm

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) called for nomination of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus

Alternate Director Forseth nominated Director Sorley.  Director Sorley accepted her nomination

The CAO called 3 times for other nominations.  None received.  The CAO declared Director Sorley as Chair of the Central Rural Directors Caucus for 2014

Agenda approved

Topics discussed:

a) Appointments to external Committees
b) Letter from WL Chamber of Commerce re: 2014 Business Excellence Awards
c) Review renewing the Grants for Assistance Agreement with the City of Williams Lake, as part of the master Memorandum of Understanding between the City of WL/Cariboo Regional District

d) Action Page

Meeting adjourned at 4:28pm

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