Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Cmte - Jan 29th mtg

Present from City of WL - Mayor Cook (Meeting Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Walters (left meeting at 7pm) and Zacharias

Present from Cariboo RD - Directors Sorley/Kemp and Area D Alternate Director Forseth


J. Bell - CRD CAO
D. Garceau - City Mgr, City of WL
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer, CRD
G. Paynton - Director of Community Services, City of WL
D. Campbell - Mgr of Community Services, CRD

Meeting called to order at 6pm by the Chair

Agenda approved and CCJC Mins from Oct 23/Nov 13 meetings approved

Topics discussed:

a) 2013 4th Quarter report from CCACS (Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society)
b) City's 85th Birthday
c) CMRC (Cariboo Memorial Rec Complex) 2013 Stat Holidays Report

d) Pool Renovation and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes and Recommendations

e) Terms of Reference for Proposed Central Joint Solid Waste Committee

f) 2014 Grants-in-Aide

g) Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services - Amend Business Plan Goal #2 to look at future priorities within Central Cariboo Recreation - Rural Recreation Assets and implement those priorities including the needed staffing in 2015

Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Sorley/Kemp, Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, and Zacharias
Negative - Alternate Director Forseth

Editor's Note - Staff advised the Joint Committee that the intent was to engage groups that managed rural recreation assets like Esler Complex and Mountain Bike trails and revisit the Parks, Trails and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan (PTORMP) from 2010 and other rural recreation assets with the Central Cariboo Recreation service area but there was no intent to talk with the general public.  I felt that if we were going to engage different groups as it related to Rural Recreation Assets and the PTORMP, the general public should have a say into any amendments to the PTORMP and Rural Recreation asset priorities in 2015 and future years in 2014 … This recommendation will be considered for endorsement either at the Feb 14th or March 7th Cariboo RD Board meeting

h) Action Page - Several items removed as they were completed

The Joint Committee then went into an In-Camera (closed to the public) meeting as per Sections 92 and 90(1b and j) of the Community Charter at 8:33pm

The Joint Committee adjourned at 8:53pm

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