Tuesday, January 7, 2014

COW Mtg (WL Council) - Jan 7th

Present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors G. Bourdon, S. Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias via teleconference

Absent - Councillors Ivan Bonnell & Danica Hughes

Staff present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Ops
Jeff Bernardy - Engineering Technician

Public - 13 present

Meeting called to order at 6pm

COW Meeting minutes of Dec 10th, 2013 approved & Meeting Agenda approved minus Item P1 (Highway 97/Johnson Street Project Summary Report)

J. Bernardy & 11 members of the public left the meeting at 6:12pm


1) Human Resources Policy - Management Compensation & Benefits

The City Manager discussed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued

Motion - That the Committee recommend to Council:

The Human Resources Policy as amended, including the salary scale be received and adopted, as presented

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7:20pm

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