Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pool Referendum FAQ available

In the roll-out of information prior to the Nov 15th referendum for the Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade/Renovation - the Cariboo Regional District has placed on its' website a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions document on the pool referendum which you can view for yourself here

The Cariboo RD has also placed relevant documents for your reading pleasure - link is here

You can also read the final Pool Task Force report here

Finally - the FAQ document indicates that social media tools (Facebook/Twitter) will be used for the communications campaign in the run-up to the Nov 15th referendum.

Links below:

Facebook -
Twitter -

Go back to the above links often for updated information as we go forward to the Nov 15th referendum.  I ask that you study all the relevant information and then participate in the referendum on Nov 15th.  It is your pool and your tax dollars involved!


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