Friday, February 21, 2014

SD #28 Board stays at 7 Trustees

As I reported earlier this week - School District #28 Trustee Caroline Mitchell took to her local Board of Education a proposal to reduce the 7 Trustees that School District #28 Board of Education currently has down to 5 Trustees.  At their meeting this past Wednesday, the Board rejected the proposal

In an radio interview earlier today - School District #28 Board of Education Chair Tony Goulet acknowledged a couple of problems with the proposal:

1) Time Commitment among remaining 5 Trustees would be significant
2) The money to be saved amounted to a mere $20,000
3) 2 less Trustees meant two less advocates for the Quesnel school system

Chair Goulet also acknowledge the item was not rejected unanimously but that the Board did agree to not move forward with Trustee Mitchell's proposal


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