Wednesday, February 19, 2014

SKP Referendum Q of the Day - Replace/Repair Pool Tank

Question: Can the current main pool tank just be repaired rather than replaced?

Answer: The main pool tank has structural damage in several key areas, including the expansion joints and underground piping. There is a high risk that it will fail completely. The main pool tank was closed for seven weeks in 2011 due to an underground pipe bursting and expansion joint leakage, resulting in huge water loss beneath the main tank. During the repairs, structural damage was confirmed by engineers. A temporary repair was put in place until the tank could be replaced and it is not expected this repair will last much longer, nor can a similar temporary repair be done again. The tank is still leaking a significant amount of water each day, a situation that cannot continue indefinitely.


Editor's Note -- information graciously provided via the Sam Ketcham Pool Referendum's Facebook page which you can view here

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