Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2014 Local Gov't Election Date clarified

On Feb 19th, I sent an email to the Hon. Coralee Oakes - Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development requesting clarification on this statement from the Office of the Local Government Auditor-General as it related to a performance audit currently underway in the Fraser-Fort George RD:

We plan to publish the performance audit report by August 31, 2014. (This date may be revised if the date for local government elections is amended to the
third Saturday in October.)

Today - she sent me a reply indicating that the date of the 2014 Local Government Election is Saturday, November 15th, 2014 and that Staff from the Local Government Auditor-General have been apprised accordingly.  Minister Oakes also reminded me of the upcoming changes to local government legislation, subject to Legislature approval, which includes 4 year terms commencing December 1st, 2014 and the date of the 2018 election to be the 3rd Saturday in October

I thank the Minister for her office's quick reply


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