Thursday, March 13, 2014

Medicinal Marijuana Facilities & Farm Status

Yesterday - I noted that the Cariboo Regional District will be holding public hearings in the next 30 days or so on a proposal to permit medicinal marijuana facilities in industrial zones

However - Metro Vancouver (formerly Greater Vancouver RD) Directors are themselves concerned that a medicinal marijuana facility operating in an industrial area could be taxed at the agriculture tax rate and consequently apply for 'farm status' under BC Assessment Authority rules after BC Assessment's new initial policy on this subject says:

Medical marijuana production can qualify for farm classification as “medicinal plant culture,” but only if other legislated requirements under that regulation are met, including a written application as well as evidence in support of the application and income and proof of sales, and verification that a producer is properly licensed in accordance with federal government regulations

Read more from the Vancouver Sun here.  Meanwhile - Metro Vancouver is also concerned with the perceived proliferation of properties attempting to achieve 'farm status' with the current lax rules in place for getting 'farm status' approved by BC Assessment Authority.  Read more on that here

Finally - read more on how to get 'farm status' by BC Assessment Authority here

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