Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cariboo RD Central Cariboo/Chilcotin 2014 Budget Mtg

Editor's Note - The Cariboo RD Mgr of Communications informs me that a total of 11 people showed up during the entire Central Cariboo/Chilcotin Budget Open House from 1-4pm on Sat March 1st

Present - Directors J. Sorley, B. Kemp, D. Bischoff, R. William and Area 'D' Alternate Director S. Forseth

Staff - J. Bell, CAO & S. Burich, Mgr of Communications

Media - M. Yorski-Lamb, Williams Lake Tribune

Public - 4

Presentation commenced at 2:30pm by Cariboo RD CAO J. Bell by way of Powerpoint Presentation

Questions asked:

1) Planning -- reduction a concern ($460,238 to $338,000)
2) Heritage - look at increase resources
3) Area 'F' Economic Development & Area 'F' Community Hall Functions - status update

Presentation concluded at 3:00pm

Editor's Note - you can download the presentation and fill out a survey here

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