Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cariboo RD Presents CCSAR Long Service Awards

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Central Cariboo Search and Rescue (CCSAR) unit held their Annual General Meeting at the CCSAR hall on MacKenzie Avenue in Williams Lake. Every year the entire unit gets together and reviews the past year, develops new goals and holds annual elections.

Emergency Management BC (EMBC) provides pins to recognize years of service contributed by registered volunteers within the Public Safety Lifeline services. The pins are available in five-year increments (5-35 years) for Emergency Social Services, Emergency Radio, Search and Rescue, Road Rescue and EMBC Air.

On hand to present the pins and recognize the volunteers were Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area Directors, Deb Bischoff and Joan Sorley, from Electoral Areas D and F respectively. The following members were recognized during the ceremony for their years of work and dedication in both LandSAR and Auto-Extrication:

5-Year pin

Jason Drodge
Sheila Gruenwald
Phil Lotzer
Alison MacLise
Kathleen MacDonald
Dave White
Kim Zalay

10-Year pin

Sharon Haines

After the presentations, the CCSAR members held elections for positions in both the LandSar and Auto Extrication divisions. Congratulations and thank you to our newly elected leaders:


Deputy Chief - Don Trim
Assistant Chief - Allen Schaad
Landsar Training Officer - Jean-Mitchel Lessard
Communications Officer - Hal Giles
Membership Coordinator - Katie Hadden

Auto Extraction

Chief - Brock Thom
Training Officers - Brielle Penner and Alana Sand
Safety Officer - Adam Duffy
Public Relations - Brielle Penner

Rick White, CCSAR Chief, who was appointed by the CRD Board of Directors, will continue in this capacity.

The members of the Cariboo Regional District Central Cariboo Search and Rescue team thank the community and other emergency services for support and team work. The CCSAR unit is proud to provide search and rescue services to residents and those travelling through the Central Cariboo. For more information on CCSAR, or information about joining this group of dedicated volunteers, please visit them online at or the Cariboo Regional District at

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