Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Committee of the Whole Mtg (Quesnel Council) - March 31st

Present - Acting Mayor L. Roodenburg (Chair), Mayor M. Sjostrom and Councillors M. Cave, J. Brisco, S. Elliot, E. Coleman, and S. Thapar


B. Johnson - City Manager
G. Albers - City Clerk
K. Bolton - Director of Corporate/Financial Services
J. Norburn - Director of Community Services
M. Bolch - Director of Public Works/Engineering
T. Turner - Manager of Development Services

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7pm
Meeting Agenda approved


1) M. Klitch/A. Gaber appeared before the Committee to discuss Public No-Smoking Bylaws and Radon Gas

A Powerpoint presentation was shown - view here

A Question and Answer period ensued
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time/information

2) G. Armstrong, A. Kostenko and P. Morgan appeared before the Committee to present the 2013 Year End Report for the Quesnel Visitor Information Centre

A Question and Answer period ensued
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time/information

3) 3 Commissioners (P. Walsh, J. Massier, E. Affleck) from the Quesnel Musuem/Heritage Commission appeared before the Committee to discuss the Commission's 2013 Activities

A Powerpoint presentation was shown - view here

A Question/Answer period ensued
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) Request for Ashtrays at Spirit Square

The Manager of Development Services presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That installation of ashtrays with a locking device at Spirit Square to deal with cigarette debris be approved

2) 2014 Update to 2012-2014 Strategic Plan

The City Manager presented his report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the report of the City Manager be received

3) Review of Five Year Financial Plan Policies

The Director of Financial/Corporate Services presented her report the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved --

a) THAT Council include the following objective and policy in the Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw


 The City will review opportunities to encourage economic diversification through the use of revitalization exemptions under Section 226 of the Community Charter (CC)


 To review and potentially implement a Section 226 (CC) permissive tax exemption for new construction on the airport lands to support the economic diversification of the airport and community.

b) That Council remove the Industrial Taxation Policy. Motion defeated by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors S. Elliot and S. Thapar
Negative - Mayor M. Sjostrom and Councillors M. Cave, J. Brisco, L. Roodenburg, E. Coleman

4) Capital Budget Voting Results

The Director of Financial/Corporate Services presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon


a) That Council approve all projects from the General Capital Budget List
b) That Council approve reducing the transfer from the Casino Reserve Fund ($569,100 for 2014)

c) That Council approve all the listed projects from reserves that received a yes vote from Council

Councillor Ed Coleman declared a conflict of interest on the next item as it relates to his employer and left Council Chambers at 9:07pm

4) Late Item - CRD/Quesnel Appointment to Barkerville Trust Board

The City Clerk read out a letter from Ed Coleman, CEO of the Barkerville Trust, relating to re-appointment of John Massier as the CRD/Quesnel rep on the Barkerville Trust Board of Directors

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That it be recommended to Council:

"That John Massier be re-appointed as the Quesnel/CRD rep on the Barkerville Trust Board of Directors"

Councillor E. Coleman returned to the meeting at 9:11pm

Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm

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