Tuesday, April 1, 2014

June vote for NC Arena 1 Project

Update: Listen to Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom explain the possible financial impacts to voters in the North Cariboo Recreation/Function area (City of Quesnel + parts of Cariboo RD Areas A, B, C and I) here


At the recently held North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee (NC JPC), made up of the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I plus all members of Quesnel City Council, they have called for a referendum on Saturday, June 14th to borrow funds (believe I heard on the radio yesterday this figure to be $7 million) for an engineered steel with wood accents facility to replace Arena 1 at the Twin Ice Arenas in Quesnel.  This matter will be finalized at the April 8th meeting of the NC JPC after which this must be approved by the Cariboo Regional District Board by way of a bylaw authorizing the referendum vote at their April 17th meeting

Like last time (Nov 2013 vote for Multicentre loan bylaw extension) - watch for those who are opposed to the borrowing of funds for this project (Arena 1 replacement) to come out again and ask voters within the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Function to deny this request by members of the NC JPC.

Will the 'yes' or 'no side prevail? Depends on how strong either side puts forward its' case to local voters between now - June


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