Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Milburn Park future in question?

Courtesy of Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren:

The future of Bouchie – Milburn Community Park, known locally as “Pioneer Park” was discussed at the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission meeting on April 14, 2014. The park is located at the junction of the Blackwater and Nazko Roads and is the “gateway” to the Bouchie and Milburn Lake communities. The park includes the “Bouchie – Milburn Community Park” sign, picnic tables, and a kiosk. Although the land is owned by Ministry of Transportation it is managed by the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission / BLRC under Cariboo Regional District Bylaw 4712, 2012. This is the same volunteer group who oversee the management of Bouchie Lake Hall & Recreation Grounds and Claymine Trails.

This site was originally the home-site of one of the pioneers of Bouchie Lake. Under Director Ken Falloon (2005-2008), funding was secured to create a park at this location which now also serves as the trail head for Claymine Trails. Over the past 3 or more years little work has been done on the park since the time the sign, kiosk and picnic tables were installed although a “park plan” does exist.

In February, 2013 a Call for Volunteers was issued to the community requesting residents come together so future plans for the park could be discussed and actions taken. At the April 29, 2013 meeting of the BLRC, residents were again encouraged to become involved with the development of this park. It was also decided at this meeting that if there is no plan and /or action on the development of this park by September, 2013, the BLRC may proceed with requesting that the CRD remove the responsibility for maintenance of the park from CRD Bylaw 4751. Information pertaining to this decision can be viewed online at

As of this time, no person(s) have come forward to lead the development of the park. At the April 14, 2014 meeting, the BLRC once again discussed the lack of resources and capacity in terms of the park. As such, it now stands that if no resident/s come forward to lead the development of the park by June 1, 2014, the BLRC will proceed with the park being dismantled. Dismantling will include relocating the assets (picnic tables, garbage can, cairn, etc.) and reviewing whether the BLRC will continue to maintain the site in terms of grass cutting, invasive plant management, etc.

If you are interested in getting involved and /or learning more about this decision, please contact the BLRC at 250.249.5508 or by emailing

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