Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Rathor Court Case over

This afternoon - Williams Lake City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor called me to let me know that his 'Obstruction of Justice' court case is now over.  Here is his statement that he has authorized me to publish:

I am pleased to announce that Crown Counsel has reviewed my court case with my lawyers and has decided that the prosecution should not continue. I was informed of this decision shortly before lunch. All my thanks to my friends/well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts. I've always had faith in the Canadian Justice System and believed always that this case will be resolved in my favour

“This was about a family dispute and I did not know this family, but the elders asked me to assist, so I did. I can understand how the family was under pressure during this trying time, and *if* I did anything to further their distress, I sincerely apologize to the family"

With the court case terminated - Rathor is now free to pursue this fall in the Nov 15th civic election either a 8th campaign for WL City Councillor or should he choose, a mayoral bid against incumbent Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook…


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