Saturday, July 19, 2014

City of WL Travel Budgets - 2013 vs 2014

Update on Sun July 20th at 10:37pm - WL City Councillor SPS Rathor has asked me to make it clear to my readers that although his 2014 YTD travel expenses, which includes travel to the 2014 FCM Convention in Niagara Falls, Ontario, is over the annual allocated amount of $5,560 - the FCM Expenses will be eventually charged back to Mayor's Cook travel budget and hence his actual expenses to date are below the $5,560...

Original Blog Post:

In a report going to Williams Lake Council on Tuesday - the City's Director of Finance (M. Stewart) will report on the City's state of finances for the period ending June 30th 2014 - read that here

In that report - the Travel Budgets for Mayor/Council for the period ending June 30th, 2014 are reported

Mayor Cook has spent $5,052 on Travel to June 30th, 2014.  In 2013, this was $5,221

For the six City Councillors for travel to June 30th, 2013 vs 2014:

June 30th, 2013 Travel Expenses
June 30th, 2014 Travel Expenses


a) Councillors' Travel Budgets are set at $5,560 each year while the Mayor's Travel Budget is $10,600
b) While individual Councillor travel budgets may appear to be over (note Rathor's travel budget is over for the 2014 budget year), Travel Budgets are managed on a 'global' basis and forms the basis for a balanced budget for each year


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