Friday, July 18, 2014

WL/100 Mile Councils' meet Tuesday

The only two local governments to meet next week are the District of 100 Mile House/City of Williams Lake Councils':

Williams Lake - Regular Council meeting at 6pm Tuesday in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).

On the Agenda:

Delegation -Laura Klassen, BC Self Advocacy Foundation re Benefits of a Diverse Workplace for Local Employers and Communities


a) Councillor Bonnell reports out on July 11th Cariboo RD Board Meeting
b) Councillor Bonnell requests Council authorize letter of congrats to TNG Government on their June 26th Supreme Court of Canada legal win

c) 2nd Quarter City of WL Finances Update
d) Receive/Endorse local Transit Fare Structure
e) City to apply to CMHC for $10,000 interest free loan to complete a feasibility study/business planning process for the Cariboo Lodge site
f) Canada Winter Games - Community Torch Celebration

Editor's Note - Item 'F' was considered at the June 18th CC Joint Committee meeting however the Committee was unable to agree on how to move forward on the item.  Both Councillor Geoff Bourdon and I (as the Cariboo RD Area D Alternate Director) felt the priority for the Central Cariboo was for the Sam Ketcham Pool Referendum

g) 'Good Neighbour Bylaw' to receive 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading
h) Mayor Cook to present her Monthly Activities Report.  As of this writing, the report is not currently available

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council meeting at 7pm Tuesday in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  View their Agenda here

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