Friday, August 15, 2014

90 Days to General Voting Day!

In exactly 90 days from today - voters' in the communities of Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House in addition to voters in School Districts 27/28 and the Cariboo Regional District will be voting for new local elected officials for the term of Dec 1st, 2014 - Oct 31st, 2018

Voters in Wells/100 Mile House will be voting for a new 5 member Municipal Council (1 Mayor + 4 Councillors)

Voters in Quesnel/Williams Lake will be voting for a new 7 member Municipal Council (1 Mayor + 6 Councillors)

Meanwhile - voters' in Quesnel/surrounding rural communities will vote for a new 7 member Board of Education (School District 28)

While - voters' in Williams Lake/100 Mile and rural areas surrounding these communities will vote for a new 7 member Board of Education (School District 27)

Finally - rural voters' in the 12 Electoral Areas of the Cariboo Regional District will be voting for a new rural Director

As of this writing - here are the known races

Wells - Mayor Robin Sharpe will seek re-election.  No known challengers.  No challengers to the 4 Councillors' in Wells in addition to no word if the current 4 Councillors will all be running

Quesnel - Current Mayor Mary Sjostrom vs former Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson for the Office of Mayor.  No other challengers.  No word yet on potential challengers for the 6 Councillors seats.  In addition - no word if the current Councillor incumbents will be running 

Williams Lake - Current Mayor Kerry Cook vs Current Councillor SPS Rathor for the Office of Mayor.  Possible challenge of Walt Cobb for this office as well, in addition 1 other unknown name for Mayor.  Meanwhile -including the known incumbents not retiring  (Councillors Bonnell, Walters and Zacharias), as many as 8 people, so far, will be seeking the Office of Williams Lake City Councillor while there are 6 Councillor seats available.  

100 Mile House - Current Mayor Mitch Campsall vs former Cariboo RD Area 'L' Director (2002-08) Maureen Pinkney for the Office of Mayor.  Len Doucette (Proponent, Say Yes to New Prosperity Facebook Page) to challenge for one of the 4 Councillors seats this November, no other Councillor candidates.  No word if the current 4 Councillors will all be running

School District #28 (Quesnel) - No word yet

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - No word yet but I am expecting 3 of the 7 Trustees to not seek re-election

Cariboo Regional District (EA Directors') - Steve Forseth (current Area 'D' Alternate Director) seeks to replace Deb Bischoff as Area 'D' Director and Bruce Rattray to step down in Area 'L'.  No word on Directors in Areas A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, and K.  Area J Director Roger William, on Facebook, expressed that he isn't sure if he'll run again but did leave the door open to seek re-election

Watch for nomination papers becoming available as early as August 22nd (Williams Lake) and the next few days following...

Want more information? - Contact your local government office or click here for more information


  1. Who is the other person running for mayor and who are the people running for council?

  2. Anonymous at 9:21am

    Thanks for your comment. I don't know the other name that could be running for WL Mayor. As for the (so far) 8 person race for the 6 WL City Council seats, I unable to give names at this time because their names are not yet in public forums (media or Twitter/Facebook). Be patient though as I strongly suspect you won't be waiting long to hear their names.

