Friday, August 15, 2014

Mt Polley Incident - Aug 15th update

1.Water samples taken on Aug. 10, 2014, from Quesnel Lake near the mouth of Hazeltine Creek have been tested and confirm all samples continue to meet provincial and federal drinking water guidelines.
2.Additionally, rainbow trout toxicity test results show water collected from Quesnel Lake near the mouth of Hazeltine Creek on Aug. 5 and 6 was not toxic to rainbow trout.
3.Test results are expected this weekend from MoE water samples obtained from the discharge point of Polley Lake into Hazeltine Creek, as well as results from sediment samples collected from the tailings pond breach area and Hazeltine Creek.

The complete update is available at

Please note, this will be the last regular fact sheet update. Investigations and regular water sampling and testing will continue, and any new and important information will still be communicated to the public as needed via news releases or other methods.

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